New Version of Gorka Morka: The Death Race!

This started out as a new scenario for GorkaMorka, but quickly evolved into a set of new rules, that could very well become it's own game in its own right. 

Set Up: 

The orks need to race around in a circle (or oval). You need something in the middle of the board for them to race around. This could be a large hill (or hills) or a few buildings, a campsite, a large mob of ork models, whatever you think will look cool. 

You need a spot to mark the starting line/finishing line. This could be a couple of rocks, or anything else you can think of. 

On the third turn of the "racetrack" you should mark off a 12 inch by 12 inch area of the board to be the pit. No, not the fighting pit in Mektown, the racing pit where the pit crews will refuel, re-arm, and repair the racers and swap out gunners and driver's if needed.  Any member of your mob not participating in the race should be placed near each other in the pit. Each mob should also have a section of the pit marked off for their own mob. Think, three mobs, three parking spaces. 

Da Mobs

Each mob gets to bring one vehicle to the race, and as many members of the mob as can fit on the vehicle. Everyone else in the mob forms the pit crew and is placed in the pit. Note: You need at least three models in the pit to serve as your pit crew. Preferably grots! 

As many mobs as you want can play. This is great for 3-4 players. 

Da Rulz

A few modifications to the normal GorkaMorka rules are in order. 

1. Gas engines allow you to move up to 12 inches. 

2. Thrusters allow you to move up to 12 inches. 

3. A failed attempt to turn under thrust, or a thruster buster roll of 4+ (or anything else that causes you to involuntary move D6 inches, will cause you to move 2 D6 inches now. 

4. Rules for Declaring a Chase and a Race are removed and replaced (see new rules below). 

5. Upper Cog links damage on tires causes loss of movement of 3 inches per occurrence. 

6. Nob Pins Destroyed or Gammy Shaft Broken: Any damage that immobilizes a vehicle will only cause the vehicle to be immobilized on the damaged player's next turn. After that the ork driver hits the vehicle hard enough and it starts back up. However, the vehicle will need to do a full repair the next time the player moves into turn 3 of the track and approaches pit row. 

New Rules

1. Bein (Sorta) Nice Da First Turn: No boarding on everyone's first turn. Also no side swiping, raking, or ramming as you pull out from the starting line. (Otherwise it wouldn't be much of a race). 

2. Pit Row: Every time a racer swings by the pit on turn 3 they need to decide whether to pit. If you decide to pit, you need to move your vehicle anywhere onto the area marked as the pit. Once that happens, move your vehicle into the established "parking space" for your mob. Once you are in the pit, you can not shoot, ram, or fight, and you can not be shot at or attacked by other players. 

When moving out of the pit, you can not ram anyone in the pit. 

When you pit, you have to make a decision. Gas and Go, or Full Repair. 

1. Gas and Go: Roll two dice as soon as your vehicle reaches the pit, as long as it is not doubles, your vehicle is refueled and can move off of pit row on the next turn. Any roll of doubles, and you roll 1 D6 on the failed pit attempt table. 

2. Full Repair:  Roll two dice as soon as your vehicle reaches the pit, as long as it is not doubles, your vehicle is refueled, rearmed (any jammed weapons or out of ammo are removed so all guns can fire again). Any damage to the vehicle is repaired, and any wounded crew or drivers can be rotated with the pit crew without penalty. However, you will lose your next turn as this process will take sometime. Any roll of doubles, and you roll 1 D6 on the failed pit attempt table. 

Pit Failure Table: Roll D6:

1: A spark causes an out of control fire during the refueling process. Entire mob and the vehicle take one hit from a skorcha and suffer all the bad effects of being hit by a skorcha, such as being on fire. On your next turn you can do nothing as the crew struggles to get the job done. On the start of the following turn you only get your vehicle refueled even if you wanted a full repair. You can however still swap out crew. If your vehicle had suffered from immobilizing damage than it will be able to limp along, but all gas and thruster moves are at half speed (6 inches now). The vehicle must also attempt to pit next turn. 

2-3: Ouch...ugh, splat: One random member of the pit crew takes a single strength 4 hit. On your next turn you can do nothing as the crew struggles to get the job done. On the start of the following turn you only get your vehicle refueled even if you wanted a full repair. You can however still swap out crew. If your vehicle had suffered from immobilizing damage than it will be able to limp along, but all gas and thruster moves are at half speed (6 inches now). The vehicle must also attempt to pit next turn. 

4-6: Hurry up!  Gas and go will take one extra turn to complete. Full repair is only completed on an additional D6 roll of 4+, (make immediately) otherwise only refueling takes place. If your vehicle had suffered from immobilizing damage and was not full repaired than it will be able to limp along, but all gas and thruster moves are at half speed (6 inches now). The vehicle must also attempt to pit next turn. 

Not Pitting

If you choose not to pit than starting on the next lap, you don't get to make gas moves. You are stuck with thrusters only until you get the vehicle refueled. 

New Rules for Chase: Drafting 

The old rules for declaring a chase or race are taken out. Instead, we have a rule for drafting. If you end your move 2 inches behind another vehicle, than you can declare that you are drafting. This means that on your next move, your first gas move adds + 2 D6 inches and your first thrust adds +2 D6 inches. Note, if you 


Choose how many laps you want to make the race. I suggest 2-3 laps to start out. The game ends when the first vehicle to crosses the finish line, or all vehicles, or drivers become crippled. 


If your vehicle becomes crippled or your driver goes out of action and there is no replacement driver on your vehicle (or you are not on pit row) than you are out of the race. But not out of the game. 

Sore Loser Rule: 

If one mob goes out of the race than that mob's pit crew decide to take revenge. The pit crew may immediately start moving, shooting, and boarding rival's vehicles. They may not however attack anyone pitting. 


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