The Graildark Nebulae
So the Ork rise to greatness campaign kind of stalled out. Why? Because Da Boyz just wanted to stay Boyz. I.E. We just wanted to play various orky mini games and not progress into Warhammer 40K. Alright so onto the next thing. Battle Fleet Gothic! We just finished a monthlong campaign between Imperium, Chaos and of course, Ork Pirates. 1st Place was Imperium, Subsector Commander John with 12 renown. Second was Orky Big Nob, Captain Rotear with 8 renown, and last place was Chaos Champion Felix, with a miserable 5 renown. (Chaos played by me or course) The campaign was played out on a super small custom 5 planet subsector called the Graildark Nebulae, which is part of the Gothic Sector. The campaign takes place in 160 M41, years after Abaddon's defeat in the Gothic war. Despite the Imperial victory however the Imperium still has not liberated this part of the sector from Chaos domination, until now. During the campaign the players were restricted to raid and big raid sce...