New Place, Same WAAAGH!

 Welcome to Sun Place, it's the new location for our new campaign. Rise to Grateness!

What is Sum Place? It's an isolated ork planet somewhere in Segmentum Obscurus around 100 M41. While the ork tribes have made some technological progress, the idea of space travel, aliens, and interplanetary conquest is completely unheard of. Nearly all orks believe Sum Place is da only place in da un-i-verse, and that Der Iz No Such Fings as Aliens! However, one ork wants to change all that, and maybe he will!

In this campaign one player takes on the role of the hero trying to rise to warboss. All other players are there just to get in the way and stop him. 

Mechanics: Except as otherwise indicated, when your character wins, you advance to the next stage. If you lose, take a leadership test. If you fail, your character suffers a crisis of confidence and goes back down one level. I.E. A boy who fails his mission goes back down to Yoof. If you pass the test, you remain at the same stage and can try again by playing another game.

In addition, if your character dies in a game roll a dice. On a roll of a 1, that's it, your character is DED!

1. Yoof: Play a game of "brewhouse bash." Once completed your character automatically rises to the next level regardless of whether they won the bash.

2. Boy (Gorkamorka): This will involved a special Gorka Morka scenario involving one model to represent your Boy and a few other members of your (emerging) mob. The scenario could involve a race in an ork settlement, or a special errand your boy needs to do in the town, or anything else you can come up with.

3. Nob (Gorkamorka): Your character is now a Nob, leading a proper "Gorkamorka" type mob. Note: If you end up playing multiple games at this stage, use of the Gorkamorka campaign structure is optional and over rides other rules for the campaign. Such as how character death would work.

4. Warboss (40K): Play a 40K game against another Ork army. This is your chance to unite the tribes and start a mighty WAAAGH!


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