Da Hizstory of Every Fing

 My 40K Universe From the Perspective of Da Orks

As recorded by the oral tradition of the orks (really the gretchin), which can vaguely recall the sequence of events but not much else. 

1. Captain Rot Ear comes to Sum Place and Makes it His Base. Da local boyz are appy ta av space ships an fight aliens an such. 

2. Da Free Booter Fleet fights Da Imperium an Da Spikey Boyz (Chaos) in some gas cloud with some Humie Planets. (Grail Dark Nebulae BFG Campaign) Rot Ear loses his best ships, but smashed up Chaos quite a bit an smashed up da Imperium a lil bit. Ugh so I guess dat wuz 2nd Place. Wot rubbish!

3. Rot Ear starts raiding all these Imperium Planets. (Raiders of the Graildark Campaign) Strikes this deal with Dark Eldar pointy eared gitd to trade humie slaves for scrap so he can build another Krooza. He gets some plunder but he really gets kicked in good by spice marines. So he lost! Da lozer! 

4. Rot Ear goes missing. Da Local Boyz of Sum Place get in a big fight with the pointy eared gits an dey beat up da pointy eared gits real good. But then sum big space ships crash an it starts an Ice Age an den its called Snow Morka, an da mobs start fighting each other over scrap an all da humie slaves escape an go feral. (Gorkamorka on Ice Planet Campaign)

5. Rot Ear gets sucked up by sum weird storm fing an goes far into da future. He lands on BOD (Big Orky Desert) an meets Decskull! 

6. Decskull beats his rival Duo and takes over  BOD. (Ork vs Ork 40K campaign)

7. Da Nids attack BOD. Ders lotts an lots of battles dat go on for a long long time. But eventually, da Nids ate everyfing. Rot Ear escaped, and Decskull escaped with im. Orks lost! (Tyranids vs Orks 40K Campaign). 

8. Dey  went through anuver weird storm thing an ended up in sum weird place, but plenty of new planets ta beat up. But da Nids followed em. 

9. Decskull and Rot Ear take over some local boyz on a new planet. Called da new BOD. Den dey beat up da Nids good. (Tyranids vs Orks BFG and 40 K Campaign)

10. Da Nids eat a few ice moons, recover and attack again. Current campaign, 2nd war for BOD 2. 

11. Da Nids lose. BOD 2 iz safe. Decskull travels to a nearby chaos world (same stellar system) and kills, "Da Dark Lord." 

12. Decskull establishes a settlement on the zombie infested chaos world which is followed by a mass migration from BOD 2 to the new world, dubbed Morkheim. Mobs battle each other for scrap in ruined zombie infested cities while the meks use the scrap to slowly rebuild the ork fleet in the hopes of one day being able to invade new worlds in new systems. 


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